Sunday, October 6, 2013

Japanese Horror

Japanese Horror seems to get a lot of recognition in the world today. I for one can say I have never really watched a film or read a story based upon Japanese horror. But I can say I am certain glad I never have. All I have heard is that their films tend to be a little on the weird side. So I was ready for anything. Before reading I guessed Japanese Horror would be roughly the same thing as American horror, boy was I completely wrong. I do not quite understand most of the horror perhaps because I am not of that culture. But scary here is scary anywhere I have always said and think many would to. The book A Wild Sheep Chase was this week’s read. Overall I felt like a had quite a unique experience, that I was not ready for. I loved how the book used some things that would mean completely different things in the art of western literature for example the sheep. I loved the use of the sheep; it was completely different from the western meaning, which from a western standpoint the sheep tend to represent followers. But, in this story the sheep possessed their own characteristics although it is unusual and strange it felt pretty darn cool in my opinion. However upon the reading I also went lost at times and mostly because of my distance from the culture. There were many underlining things linking to the Japanese culture, which made the book seem distant from me as a reader. That’s the one reason why I could say I did not like this book. Other then that I found it fun and interesting. The book definitely gave me a new prospective on horror and wondered what other types of horror is out there and where can I read those.

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